Saturday, July 31, 2004


I woke up this morning feeling really nauseated. So I picked up that bottle of water under the couch that I was sleeping on last night, downed almost half the contents. That made me feel a 'lil better but I wasn't OK yet so I had to go downstairs to fill up my stomach, which just croaked. I had to get something hot, preferably soup. I went to the canteen just beside the apartment and luckily the cook just placed the soup dish on the counter. I ordered a hot bowl and sipped to my stomach’s content.

Plug In..

This afternoon it’s time to get back online, and plug myself into the realm of the virtual library. I’d like to call it “my daily dose” because I can’t seem to get through the day without even checking ESPN or CNN for the latest news. Oftentimes I drift through the pages that link from one page to another, leading to a chain of information.As I fired up the PC, it went through its own regular routine that I personally programmed using a batch file, the online/offline virus scans, port checks and all that. Then I launched Internet Explorer, as I was about to change the page to my favorite link, an article struck me on MSN. It's a good read, which I think will interest those who like paying attention to the little details of everyday life.


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