Thursday, August 05, 2004

Try again

We were scheduled to have our second round of tryouts for the basketball varsity yesterday. Coach couldn't make it, but his assistant was there. Heck they said it would be a tryout, it didn’t seem like it.

Fear Factors...
There was one drill called "planting rice" where we have to run to certain points on the court then run back sprinting all the way. It would have been OK if not for those 20 repetitions we did under the blazing heat of the mid day sun. Then we had to do a couple more drills under the heat for the next hour, I almost had sunstroke.

Call it whining, call it chickening out, call it whatever you want but man, that sucks. We are not in the team yet but we had the feeling we have to be tortured before making it. (It's all worth it if we do).
Good thing there were short breaks; too catch some air, to rehydrate. At least those psychos in charge are still apable of doing something humane.

Bust Picks
In the latter part of the tryouts, the top 10 prospects were chosen. The list included the remaining members of the team who also worked out with us. There were these two who just stood around with the assistant and didn’t suit up for the tryouts, they were watching & enjoying the whole reality torture show happening.

When the announcement came up, guess who took the number one spot? Right, the freakin’ player that didn’t suit up, the one that just ate and watched at the sidelines not even shedding a sweat. Now that was really absurd and stupid, I was thinking how the f*ck did he make it to the team?! He didn’t even step on the court. That guy can’t even shoot; I remember during the previous practice sessions he challenged me to a 3pt shootout, I torched him 10-1. Now I’m not saying that I should be the number 1 pick but at least the assistant didn’t make it obvious that he picked him first because they were buddies. The new guys including me ended up from 5th down to 14th. I was ranked 11th, he didn’t even let us play our usual game. Maybe it was because I didn’t sweat enough during the drills? How can he explain the other pick that didn’t? Duh... Damn right it was stupid.

They say we have another practice on Friday, I'll think about it. I hope coach comes around to take charge of the practices. At least he has a better eye for talent than that idiot assistant of his.


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