Thursday, September 02, 2004

Holy sh*t this team reeks...

Outraged over the ineffectiveness of my current team I have decided to leave the group and move ahead of them. With the school intramurals approaching soon I expect them to at least carry a significant amount of pressure coming into the opener this weekend.

I have been participating in the practices for the past two weeks and what I’ve observed for the most part is that I have noticed nothing much that would make this group worthy to be called a team. Every time they’re on the court all I see is a bunch of bloated egos that thrives on dazzling the crowd and posing for the cameras which is not surprising that most of them can’t play defense. What irks me the most is their inability to focus on the upcoming games when it counts. Often I hear them talk about how good they would look in their new La Salle-inspired uniforms, or where to pig out and get together after the games. Illustrative of the attitude they have on as well as off the court, those statements really blew my lid off! Poof!

If these guys think they could just give up on winning and forget they’re representing our college department, they’d better be not serious coz for once if it weren’t for us, the students, they wouldn’t be sporting those new uniforms. Our departmental fees and sports fees say that you play for the name on the front of your jerseys that says CAS and not for the one at the back that reads “one big showboat”.

As for me, I will go back to my usual thrice a week, two-hour routine at the ISC, back to the place where competition, camaraderie, and new acquaintances meet. I learned my A-game there, I learned from the amateurs to the coaches still playing the game they also love. There I can also freely belt out my frustrations because the basket there doesn’t talk back to me when I do something wrong.


At 3:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ei, nikko! nice! =)

write on!



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